My Story

It’s so nice to meet you! My name is Karen Fox and I am a Consulting Hypnotist and Certified Sound Healer. My spiritual journey began as a teenager when I discovered meditation and alternate forms of consciousness.

Through spiritual discipline, an educational background in science, and a basic understanding of the Universal Laws of light and sound energy, I have experienced the Omnipotent Nature behind our existence. I am a lover and player of music by nature with formal training in Music Theory, Harmony, Guitar, and Vocal. I have an Advanced Degree in Integrative Health and Healing from The Graduate Institute in Bethany, CT. My focus is on the Art and Science of Hypnosis and using Music and Sound Healing as an adjunct to hypnosis. My passion is Vocal Toning and Guided Affective Imagery (GAI). I am a Certified Consulting Hypnotist through the National Guild of Hypnotists. I am also a member of the SECT Women’s Network here in southeastern Connecticut.

OneTone Therapy is a privately owned business that provides hypnosis as a means to bring about great positive changes to ones personal, professional, mental, spiritual and emotional selves. Music and Sound Healing only adds to the hypnotic experience to facilitate healing.

OneTone Therapy’s Mission is to educate the public on the importance of music, sound, and noise in our environment and how it directly affects our health and wellbeing. OTT utilizes the Art of Hypnosis and Sound Therapy to affect change in an individual’s health and wellbeing.

Our Vision is a society with a healthier physical, mental and emotional state of wellbeing in whatever form that takes.

“The medicine of the future will be music and sound”

— Edgar Cayce